AdSense and Zlio
The AdSence blog had an entry about AdSence on Commerce Site. They showcased I must admit and nice integration of AdSence and Zlio.
This was my first introduction to Zlio. An interesting concept. I am not sure how successful anyone can be at building these Zlio sites, I suppose like AdSense you can make a few dollars.
The concept behind Zlio, best I can tell, is that the site advertises products available by other online retailers. The retailers pay commission on sales. I just don't know how likely you are to drive traffic to the Zlio sites to encourage people to purchase from your site.
Would a non-profit be able to ask their members to use the site? Thus the organization could raise some money. I suppose that is an approach. However, to build a store with Zlio that would have to use that broad range products would take quite some time to add to the store.
I am going to play with this some more and see what happens. I will try and report back.
Have a nice weekend.