Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Cricket! - Why not Baseball?

Okay so this one baffles me.  Google has done some custom results for Cricket! I ask, why Cricket? Or I guess really ask why not Baseball, Football, Hockey, Basketball, and Cricket?

Equal opportunity sports here please. 

All kidding aside, cool stuff, but why start with cricket.  Maybe it's just the self centered American attitude, but wouldn't a more world popular sport be a good place to start.  In that case, why not Soccer?

Oh well in time it will all come together.


Nasty's Sports Bar said...

Probably because there aren't so many games going on as there are in other sports. Also, it appears they may only be posting scores in international matches. You can probably count the number of international baseball matches every year on one hand... ;-)

tlaughlin said...

Mike, thanks for the comment. Your probably right on all accounts. So maybe soccer will be next.